but I didn't give it much thought; I mean, we have ice cream in the freezer inside. but then I saw something that literally took my breath away. I would have thought it was a joke, but it was all 3 of them, in unison, screaming, and running down the block, so as to "stalk" the ice cream truck. we HAVE done this before; which one never would have guessed by watching the way the kids were reacting. So I told Ben to run in and grab some money off my desk and HURRY, so we don't miss him. REALLY? WE CAN GET SOME?!!! he said as he ran inside... Seriously, am I that mean that I would deny you this considering the absolute ridiculous excitement over the sound of really high pitched music coming from a truck you hear in the distance?, is what I was thinking.
So we indulged; I mean, it WAS the first time of the season. And I wish I could have had video footage of the screaming and carrying on, but I'm pretty sure my eyebrows were scrunched and my jaw had dropped cuz I really couldn't believe THIS was wht all the hoopla was about. So all I have to show for the experience was a little after the fact....
Ok Vicki I'm on and trying to figure this thing out. I'm guessing this is how it works - we shall find out. Loved you WOF blog. I walked away again changed by WOF. I love going to the conference. I actually did the day seminar this time and it was awesome. Dr. Cloud was so cool and he had so many neat points. I loved watching Nicole C Mullen perform. However, as I was dancing to her song "Talk About It" I had this older lady tap me on the shoulder and shake her finger at me talking about shaken baby syndrome. I laughed at her, but I think she was serious!
You have GOT to love the ice-cream man!! I mean, come on - it is SO classic; a little more expensive than when we were barefoot & chasing him down the street....but hey, ice-cream isn't void of inflation.....
I love the enjoyment our family blog gives you. I love you
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