Monday, October 20, 2008

5 things I hate to admit...

I've been tagged by Deb, so here goes....

1. I am NOT a morning person (same as Deb), and while I used to do exactly what Deb described; feed my kids breakfast and go back to bed, or even worse, let them get their own (now that they're big enough they can do this) while I was still asleep. It happened all summer. It was sweet, but not my best mothering moment. It's gotten better though. Now that we're homeschooling we're all up and eating together. Not always showered, but up.

2. I am CRAZY about losing stuff. Like, seriously OCD about losing stuff. All other activity ceases until said item is found. Knowing that it's somewhere in the house makes me nuts and usually everyone gets recruited to help find. It's something my kids will definitely remember about me one day. ??

3. I joined Facebook. And am totally freaked out by it, and consequently recently deactivated my account. There were legitimately about 3 people I wanted to connect with from high school or college, and then people I used to know were coming outta the woodwork. It was creepy.

4. I love to shop. I'm good at it, (even my husband thinks so) as I don't make purchases unless I'm getting a deal. well, ok, sometimes I splurge. but only on deserving item. It's one of my few talents.

5. I have an almost 9 year old. This is hard to admit for several reasons. One is that this means I too am getting older. Also, he's now the 'big kid' among several of our friends. Another, which I recently shared with Jason, is that we've had Ben for (almost) 9 years and it has flown. In another 9 years, he'll be close to moving out to college, which right now the thought of breaks my heart.

alright, that wasn't too painful. Now it's your turn......Laura, Amy, and Alicia.


Prachar family said...

I am completely OCD about lost or missing things as well! I have discovered that the lost item turns up quickly when a bribe is offered to the one that finds it...otherwise they are not caught up in my turmoil enough! Homeschooling this year? I didn't know! Hope its going well with a new baby! I started homeschooling the year Alayna was born! What is it about a newborn that makes us take on more??!
Great to catch up on your family!

Football and Fried Rice said...

I am the same way about losing things (although in recent years, PRAYER REALLY WORKS!) What is funny though, is that the kids will pray for me & basically everyone hides until whatever it is is found!!!

Suzanne said...

I feel the same way about having an almost 11 year old. Am I really that old? Enjoying your blog! :)

Deb said...

Thanks for playing! I was thinking about joining the Facebook scene too, but I'm just not sure I care to...