Monday, January 21, 2008


well, now's the time for sick kids I guess. It's been so bitterly cold here we don't go outside unless we have to. and when we do have to, it's a mad dash from car to door, with as much exposed skin covered as possible. so if ever a time for sick kids, now's as good a time as any. hopefully we can then be done with it for the winter?! the cold, and the sick!

the picture is from earlier this winter when we had a major ice storm. it's snowy now, but the picture goes well with the cold cold cold.


Linda ★ Parker's General said...

It has been awful around here, hasn't it? This is why people get cabin fever...
Hope your kids stay healthy!!!

Jake and Taryn said...

Brrr!! That picture makes me cold just looking at it!

Stay warm and I hope everyone is feeling well soon! You have such a beautiful family. I read through some of your older posts and I really enjoyed getting to read about everyone!!

